Pictures I edited this week for the final project!
Blue Handed
No Tears
Scratched by the Rainbow
Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Flowers of the Setting Sun
"feather of a plant"
"Dead by Sunset"
I was just going for a walk and decided to bring my camera and these where my two favorite of the bunch.
Journal 13 i believe...
Revisit- This morning I looked out the dining room window and saw the smoke from our furnace out in the shed. The sun was just shining through the trees and the shadows where falling on the fog. So then there we these large shadow pretty much flouting. I would have used a fastish shutter speed to capture the movement of the smoke and a medium aperture so i don't loose detail of the shadow on the smoke.
Can't revisit- Another thing I saw on my way to my aunts in Connecticut was one of her neighbors house. There where lights that where placed so that the light could shine through the little shrubs that where lined up outside their house. The shadows that the twigs and and what few leaves where left where mixtures of soft and hard shadows. I would experiment with the shutter speed to get different exposers then layer them.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Journal 12
Can't revisit- I was on my way to conneticut to go see me aunt and her family. It was a long driver. I had to be around 9:30ish at night when we drove b this bridge. The bridge had lights on it that are star shapped and I wish we could pull over but we where on a highway. If we could have stopped I would use a long shutter speed to light up the area around and then a fast shutter speed to show the defonition of the star shapped street lights. Also getting it at may different angles would be good.
Can revisit-I put a blue bow on my cat, storm. He had never had anything tied around his neck before so he startred to freak out. He was jumping all around trying to claw at the ribbon that hangs down from his neck. I would use a fast shutter speed and a depending on the day I would either need a high apature.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Journal 11
Can revisit-When I was eating breakfast I looked outside and saw the cold frost on the grass and trees. The sun was just coming over the mountain so it was slowly lighting up the sparking frost. I kind of liked the contrast of the warm looking frost that was being shone on by the sun and the colder looking frost still untouched by the rays of the sun. It had to be around 7:15ish. I would have used a repetitively fast shutter speed like a 1/60 or an 1/100 with a wider aperture.
Can't revisit- Monday night I believe I was shooting for painting with light and landscapes for night photography. The moon had came over the mountain and i got a really awesome picture with painting with light and the landscape incorporating the moon. Anyways I wish i got a picture of the moon with the creatures so I could have over lay it with the other photo to get a stronger picture. But I didn't think about it and when I did the moon had risen high enough that It would have been difficult to overlay it in Photoshop.I would have used a fast shutter speed and lower aperture to capture the depth of the cratures on the moon.
Can't revisit- Monday night I believe I was shooting for painting with light and landscapes for night photography. The moon had came over the mountain and i got a really awesome picture with painting with light and the landscape incorporating the moon. Anyways I wish i got a picture of the moon with the creatures so I could have over lay it with the other photo to get a stronger picture. But I didn't think about it and when I did the moon had risen high enough that It would have been difficult to overlay it in Photoshop.I would have used a fast shutter speed and lower aperture to capture the depth of the cratures on the moon.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Journal 10
Cant revisit: I feel like everything i see is on my way to school, but that doesn't matter. Anyways my mom was just pulling off the cover bridge in Dummerston to go on route 30 to Brattlebore. There is this old antique place thats right a cross the road. They had put this old warn out couch in front of the house. The couch was a very light lime green. The sun was just coming over the side of the mountain behind me and there was a frost the night before. So when the rays of the sun hit the front on the couch it lit the couch up with small sparkling specks of the frost turning then the morning gold of the rays. It happened to go with the color o the couch. I would experiment with any angle i could so i can show the road, couch, the frost that is lighting up and sun coming up over the small mountain side, but the couch isn't there anymore.
Can revisit: I really enjoyed trying to capture the water droplets this week. I really wanted to get a picture where the water droplets has hit the water and has caused the water to rise up in one single little thing and i wanted another one to drop right onto it as it rises up but every time we attempted that the drop lets would be off or to many would be dropped. So at some point I would like to go back and see if I can crete the picture of the crash between the first droplets splash and they second on dropping onto it.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Journal 9
Revisit: Last night I was trying to do some painting with light. It was around 8 and I really didn't want to go outside because it was cold and I wanted to watch TV, but I went out anyways. I had my brother come help me and we set up in the front yard. It was more like a test run to see if I could do orbs...which i can't because really bad at it. I bought a red glow stick and attached it to string. I picked up a camera card that I thought it was mine. I took about three exposers and the card was full. I had no clue why but then I went inside and looked for my card and couldn't find it. I had my settings on manual and I was shooting for 30s and I don't remember what my aperture was. I defiantly am going to be looking for better places to do my painting with lights.
Can't revisit: Yesterday I was walking to my moms work. A group of guys where skateboarding but they kept on falling off. I knew one of the guys. After his friend wiped out he jumped on the skateboard and started to try to do some moves. Then suddenly he hits a crack int he side walk and goes summersaulting into the air. It was around 3-30 to 4ish. It was so funny and I wish I had my camera to capture him flying through the air and his facial expression. I would have used a a fast shutter speed and a wide aperture to let more light in.
Can't revisit: Yesterday I was walking to my moms work. A group of guys where skateboarding but they kept on falling off. I knew one of the guys. After his friend wiped out he jumped on the skateboard and started to try to do some moves. Then suddenly he hits a crack int he side walk and goes summersaulting into the air. It was around 3-30 to 4ish. It was so funny and I wish I had my camera to capture him flying through the air and his facial expression. I would have used a a fast shutter speed and a wide aperture to let more light in.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Dark Art. Wings of a Dragon
This is my Dark Art photo. Its a self portrait of my popping out my shoulder blades so that when I go into photoshop I could add wings to them.I used a fire tool so i could breath fire. Added a dragon tail and leg. Over laid a scale like pattern of snake skin over my skin and chanced the opacity then cleaned up around to the pattern was only on my skin, I added a ledge in the back ground and the galaxy to add more to the empty black space that I added to have more room to work with the wings, fire, tail and leg.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Journal 6
Revist: Went to mill river yesterday to play a our second to last game. It had to be around 2-4ish. There are these moutains way behind the feild that we played on they where way cool. It was slightly cloudy but still very light. Around the end of the game the sun was just over the top og the moutain and i thought it look very pretty. I would have used a high aputure to keep everything in focus and a fastish shutter speed.
Cant revist: Every morning for the most part there is fog rising off the water and moutains. This morning the fog was right over the road. When I looked up I saw thise cool fog tuffs that where right above and the look so close and I had not clue. Idk really how to explain. It is deffently something you need to see to understand what im talking about. Have no clue what settings i would use. Would just expereamnt
Cant revist: Every morning for the most part there is fog rising off the water and moutains. This morning the fog was right over the road. When I looked up I saw thise cool fog tuffs that where right above and the look so close and I had not clue. Idk really how to explain. It is deffently something you need to see to understand what im talking about. Have no clue what settings i would use. Would just expereamnt
Thursday, October 17, 2013
High contrast
The original of the Boy with the Guitar. Shot for the high contrast project for another class.

This is the edited picture. I brought some high lights and used the grayscale for black and white. You can now see more detail in both hands and arms. As well as the center of his chest. Also can see some of the sleeve brought back in.

This is the edited picture. I brought some high lights and used the grayscale for black and white. You can now see more detail in both hands and arms. As well as the center of his chest. Also can see some of the sleeve brought back in.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Photo 2 journal 5
Can't revisit:
I was up in harford vt for a away game. I won by the way. Anyways it was just after the game it and was almost dark out. We had stopped at a gas station to get some food or drinks. After we left I glanced out the window and looked at the moon. It was one of those half cresent or something like that. Then we crossed a bridge and OMG(i have to say) I missed a really awesome picture. The moon looked big and hung over the stream.The trees climbed with the stream up the small moutain side ans almost had the moon in between them. Then the reflections on the water where awesome too because it seemed to fall perfectly in a nice calmer spot of the stream so it was only a small shimmering relfection. I would have used a shutter speed of one hundered or more because I was on a moving bus, also to cause sillouetting of the trees and to keep detail in the moon. I would have also liked to have a nice long exposer of it down by the side or even if possiable in the middle of the stream to get the tree and leaves to show and and then even layer a nother exposure to get the creaters on the moon.
Can revisit:
We had to go outside for norens class to go identify some trees. We had to go through this trail that leads to the Familary feild. On the trail we had to jump over the stream to continue over the path. I would have liked to get a picture of some of the kids jumping over it for some fun. So i can easily get a friend to go with me and have them jump over. Then also on that walk I saw a supper cool waterfall that I know I can revist, and a cool tree. Wow that was three things. Oh well loved all of those images in my head anyways. So for the jumping over one I would use a fast shutter speed to catch people in mid air. Maybe do a seasen before the person and get water blur and then have the person jump over then blend the two photos together. The tree just a few different vantages of it. Not much to it. Then the water fall. I might use for and our current projects as an idea for a flouting person over the cool falls. I think it would be neat. Again two exposures for a fast and long shutter speed. We shall see if I follow through.
I was up in harford vt for a away game. I won by the way. Anyways it was just after the game it and was almost dark out. We had stopped at a gas station to get some food or drinks. After we left I glanced out the window and looked at the moon. It was one of those half cresent or something like that. Then we crossed a bridge and OMG(i have to say) I missed a really awesome picture. The moon looked big and hung over the stream.The trees climbed with the stream up the small moutain side ans almost had the moon in between them. Then the reflections on the water where awesome too because it seemed to fall perfectly in a nice calmer spot of the stream so it was only a small shimmering relfection. I would have used a shutter speed of one hundered or more because I was on a moving bus, also to cause sillouetting of the trees and to keep detail in the moon. I would have also liked to have a nice long exposer of it down by the side or even if possiable in the middle of the stream to get the tree and leaves to show and and then even layer a nother exposure to get the creaters on the moon.
Can revisit:
We had to go outside for norens class to go identify some trees. We had to go through this trail that leads to the Familary feild. On the trail we had to jump over the stream to continue over the path. I would have liked to get a picture of some of the kids jumping over it for some fun. So i can easily get a friend to go with me and have them jump over. Then also on that walk I saw a supper cool waterfall that I know I can revist, and a cool tree. Wow that was three things. Oh well loved all of those images in my head anyways. So for the jumping over one I would use a fast shutter speed to catch people in mid air. Maybe do a seasen before the person and get water blur and then have the person jump over then blend the two photos together. The tree just a few different vantages of it. Not much to it. Then the water fall. I might use for and our current projects as an idea for a flouting person over the cool falls. I think it would be neat. Again two exposures for a fast and long shutter speed. We shall see if I follow through.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Color wheel
This is my color wheel. Not in this right order but whatever. I face painted my friend and this is what I got.
Photo 2 Journal 4
Something I can revisit
On my way home there is this old stone thing that use to hold up rail road tracks so it could cross the river to get to the abandoned quarry. Well now there is just that stone column just there. So anyways I happened to look over and all around the stone column and there was trees with their leaves all yellow reflecting on the water. I just liked the way that the yellow in the refection was warming of the stones. Also the way the column was perfectly lined up with the water line so it looked like...I don't know its hard to explain, really it would have been a nice picture.
Something I can't revisit
I was on forced to go a hike Mt wantasacit or whatever the mountain is called just over the on the New Hampshire side, with my mom and brother. I took my camera because at least I might get some cool pictures from it. Well my camera doesn't really work, and I hate it to the core. If I use the shutter priority setting it only manages the shutter speed, but when I go to the appiture settings and adjust something then go back to shutter speed nothing has changed. Ever picture I took was way under exposed and was too dark to even tell what it was. I found this really cool rock that had a nice steady flow of water trickling down its side. There where three little falls and they where all in different parts of the rock and I really wanted to get a nice picture of it, but sense my camera setting don't want to work together it came out pretty much pitch black, which sucked. I don't have any time to try to go back and get a picture do to soccer.
On my way home there is this old stone thing that use to hold up rail road tracks so it could cross the river to get to the abandoned quarry. Well now there is just that stone column just there. So anyways I happened to look over and all around the stone column and there was trees with their leaves all yellow reflecting on the water. I just liked the way that the yellow in the refection was warming of the stones. Also the way the column was perfectly lined up with the water line so it looked like...I don't know its hard to explain, really it would have been a nice picture.
Something I can't revisit
I was on forced to go a hike Mt wantasacit or whatever the mountain is called just over the on the New Hampshire side, with my mom and brother. I took my camera because at least I might get some cool pictures from it. Well my camera doesn't really work, and I hate it to the core. If I use the shutter priority setting it only manages the shutter speed, but when I go to the appiture settings and adjust something then go back to shutter speed nothing has changed. Ever picture I took was way under exposed and was too dark to even tell what it was. I found this really cool rock that had a nice steady flow of water trickling down its side. There where three little falls and they where all in different parts of the rock and I really wanted to get a nice picture of it, but sense my camera setting don't want to work together it came out pretty much pitch black, which sucked. I don't have any time to try to go back and get a picture do to soccer.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Photo 2 journal 3
Can't revisit
I had a game at M.A.U on wednesday and we had just gotten over to the varsity game after we lost ours. The sun was just settting behind the mountain and it was this really cool red. I was walking up the bleachers when I saw it and I liked the color that the sun was. I also liked how the bleachers where large and was kind of chopping op the sun into sections. I would have moved up more to get the less of the bleachers out of the way and only have the chain link like fencing in between me and the setting sun. I would focus on the background light to create a silhouette of the fence and to keep it blurred while focusing on the background. I would use a 1/80 of a shutter speed and have a open appiture.
Can revisit
I love my dog and cat to death but can never take enough pictures of them. Last night I was eating my dinner and watching tv. My dog layed infront of me. He was jsut chillen relaxing while I eat. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my spaztic cat sprint into the living room and tackled my dog. It was so funny because with the cats crazy face and the dogs surprised one, it was really cute. I would have used a fast shutter speed but not to fast because it late and darker in the room even with two sets of the lights on. So maybe a 100 shutter speed so not t have to much noise in the photo. I would have to have a better angle to campture the faces of the animals as it all happened. That happens almost everynight when the dog doesnt want anything to do with the cat.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
Perfect Photo project
This is one of my project photos for Perfect Photo. Before it was really dark and I lightened it up with fill light in bridge raw editing. The photo does look a little blue when I look at the outer lining of the window. I forgot to try to even out the hues so it wasn't so blue. I like extreme angles so I focused on the benches and the wall while leaving the front of the photo more blurred out then the rest using and ISO of 100. I also used 1/80 of a shutter speed.
Photo 2 Journal 2
This morning I was in the car on my way to school and I saw this bird fly over the retreat meadows. It was a large bird maybe a crane, not sure, but anyways it was just after eight o'clock when I saw it gliding over the water. There was fog rising off the top of the water in little puffs so it look good with different spot of fog flouting up and this bird just flying through all of it. I would have used a faster shutter speed to capture the movement of the bird and to also keep the picture dark enough to allow the viewer to see the fog rising off the water. I higher aperture to keep everything in focus. I cant go back and try to capture it because that bird most likely isn't going to be there and that's a real bummer because it was a really cool scene.
One miss opprotuninty I can go back to is on my way home. I getting home around late, around 6 to seven 7 and the sun is setting over the field is next to my house. The sun is often just about to go behind the mountain but the rays spill through the trees and onto the road a few feet before my driveway. I feel that the incline that I'm at is what makes the picture I keep seeing in my head. The sun is stretching out the last of the shadows before it is behind the mountain and its pretty good lighting. Bright and warm. I would use a shutter speed of 80 maybe to not have it be to dark or to light.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Journal 18
Yesterday I need to go for a run to clear my head. I really just needed to pound out all my energy just by running, but i wasn't going to be able to do that because my old fat and lazy dog decided to follow me and I couldn't leave him behind not know if he was going to get hit by a car or something, plus i love that dog to death and it would hurt me even more if i just left him wondering why i didn't wait for him. So i just jogged by his side. At some point I ran a little a head of his and went around a corner of my road. When I realized he wasn't behind me I stopped and waited for him. It was around 6 when i went running to the sun was setting and everything was bathed in the warm light of the setting sun. As I waited in the shade I watched as he came around the corner and was bathed patchy sun that shone through the leaves and lighting up his fur. His mouth was open and his tongue drooping out but he looked like he was smiling. Casteel actually gives advice on how to get your dog to smile and he says to take your dog on a long walk to get them tired, but that it makes them happy and I wish that I could have had a camera built into my eyes so that i could take a picture of that picture perfect moment of my goofy old dog trying to jog with me. I forgot me camera at home, because who jogs with a huge camera around their neck? I would have used a a shutter speed around a hundred or so and opened my aperture a little bit more to let in light but not to wash out anymore detail that was already being watched out from the sun.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Journal 17
I was walking to my moms work on Friday with my friend Dakota. I had my camera that I forgot in my locker for the past two days and was trigger hungry to start taking pictures again. We stopped a few times to let me take pictures of things that caught my eye when we finally stopped in front of this house. It was cloudy out so their was no contrast between the shade and sun. The house had a lot of plants that were over growing over the stairs up to the front door. I stopped and took a plan old picture of the stairs. They looked cool all cracked and stuff and i always wanted to take a picture of them. Then I got an idea. I moved up closer to the stairs and placed my camera against the all of it. When I got home I know that this was an abstract pictures because there is nothing really defining which way is up or down. So I rotated it on to its side and liked what I saw. So these are stairs that are sideways. I never really noticed the pink flower petals that are on them when i was taking the picture or even the little plant growing from the side. I really like this picture. I think I used a slowish shutter speed like an 1/80. Somewhere around that. I think my ISO may have been a 200-400, possibly. Anyways I like it a lot!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Journal 16
I'm on my way home and its about close to seven. I'm just staring out the window and looking at the river and i see this bush with pink flowers all over next to the river side. It was just on bush. but the way it look with the dark rushing water and the green all around it making its pink more notice able. I would have tried tog get a picture of it but I forgot to get my camera out of my locker after school so I guess I just have to drive on by. I would have used a slower shutter speed because it was dark out and to get the movement of the water rushing my and giving it a soft look.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
journal 15
I was on my way to Connecticut to go see my little cousins first communion. It was around ten on a Saturday and we were on the highway. it was really cloudy and foggy outside. I was staring out at the mountains and saw the fog flouting off the mountain side. Sense were on the highway you cant really pull over on the side of the road to stop and take pictures. I mean what if someone decided to hit me! Yeah no. but anyways it liked the way it was lifting off the mountain. I would have used a faster shutter speed and a higher ISO to capture every detail of the fog kind of curling away from the mountain side.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Journal 14
On monday night I went to a Rihanna consort in Boston. It was around seven thirty when we started to head over to the TD Garden where the consort was being held. There was this building that was collapsing in on its self. The sun was going down and I really liked the way the light was hitting the building. The building was next to the water so I think it would have been good contrasting colors between the blue of the water and the sun lighting up the red bricks. The building also had some other colors on it, like green and red, there was white from the rubble. We went inside TD Garden and ended up going on the top floor where we got a better view of the building. My friends mom was taking pictures of all of us with the water behind us. When she was done i turned to my friend and asked her if i could see her phone. She asked me why and I said I wanted to take a picture of the building. I didn't bring my camera because I didn't want to stress over having to protect it. Then she got mad at me saying that we were here to watch the consort and not take pictures and stormed off. The consort didn't start till three and a half hours later so im sure we had enough time to stop and take a picture that would have only taken about ten seconds.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Journal 13
Yesterday I had to go to Springfield for my confirmation class. I had to be around five thirty-ish. We were driving on this back road behind this large apartment building and I saw this cool little dam. I wished I had my camera because i would have asked my mom to pull over so i could take a picture. If I did have my camera I would have used a slower shutter speed, though i wouldn't have had like a tripod with me I think there was something kind of thing i could have set it done on, i could have implosive with some books that I had in the car.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Journal 12
So on Tuesday I was talking with my mom about how I needed to take pictures with the film camera. It was close to four in the afternoon. I was explaining to her how I couldn't tell where the light meter was in the camera. I was standing at the kitchen sink and saw this dog come running out of the woods. My dog who was outside ran up to the other dog to great him. Then all the sudden they where jumping up in the air and running around play. I knew if I went to get my camera I would still have to load the film in and I still didn't know how to tell what the light meter was so I didn't want to risk the over or under exposer. Then the owner of the dog came out of the woods and called for his dog and the dog left. I defiantly would have used a fast shutter speed to capture moments when the dogs were in mid air because it would have felt like a fun and exciting shoot.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Journal 10
Ok, there are a billion birds in my yard every day. I think if I scared them I could get a good action shot of a huge flock flying off into the trees. But when ever i try to go outside either my cat or the sound of the soft click of the door shutting behind me scares them off before I can even turn my camera on! Gah so annoying. I also noticed that when the birds take off they a pretty fast so maybe a fasterish shutter speed could be need. Then again I don't know because they take off the second i'm out the door. They are ways there when i wake up and go to sleep. Maybe if i just sit outside and wait till they are all distracted eating I might because to get a few shots.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Journal 9
So yesterday on my way to school it was really foggy outside and i got some nice shots. But on my way to school i missed a great shot. It was around like eight ten and we were passing the new park on route 30. I did have my camera but we were moving to fast. At the angel I was it looked like the fog was rising up behind the bridge in a large cloud like formation. I did try to get some pictures but it just didn't wok right. I lost my angel in that split second i was trying to get my camera to turn on faster then forgot to remove the lens.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
I was in town yesterday around three o'clock with my friend Ashley. We where walking down the side walk and saw this guy who was dressed in really baggy cloths and has this crazy beard. He was smoking and had this little dog with white-tan with brown spot on his back sitting next to him. He was leaning up against the wall right next to this man and his little girl who where at an ATM outside Bank of America. It looked different because of the man in the raggedy cloths standing next to the shiny wall of the bank just smoking next to this father and his daughter who had to be about four years old. I was about to get the camera ready when the guy with the dog left and it was just the man and his little girl. But I thought it would be an interesting picture because it was so diverse.
Friday, March 8, 2013
One day I was sitting at home doing my homework. My mom came and we where talking. Then we let the cat outside with the dog. So a few minuets later I looked outside and saw my cat walking across a log pile. My dad had put giant logs, more like trees at the edge of our lawn. I didn't have my camera and I knew if I left and got it I would be to late, or if I got the camera and went outside to take the picture I would scare him and he would run away. The picture would be my white and tan cat walking on the uneven ends of the logs, that are a yellowish tan, kind of wet from the snow making it darker.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
When we where driving along the West River I notice how the ice as formed huge chuncks and jammed into each other and just sits there with huge branches stuck in the whole mess adding a blend of white and little spots of brown. Then the sun hits it just right so some of the ice chunks are in the sun and the other part isnt so it gives the ice the blue ice color. Then has the color of the sun rays casting down on them giving it a warmer feeling. Such different lighting it looks so good! I keep meaning to bring my camera just for that picture.
Friday, February 1, 2013
On way to school on some mornings the river fogs up when the sun beats down on it, but its not just one massive cloud of fog, it like does little puffs of it. It's always around this green iron bridge where the water calmer so it heats up to make the fog. The little fog puffs seam to turn the color of the sun rays as the rays passes though them.
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