Thursday, November 21, 2013

Journal 11

Can revisit-When I was eating breakfast I looked outside and saw the cold frost on the grass and trees. The sun was just coming over the mountain so it was slowly lighting up the sparking frost. I kind of liked the contrast of the warm looking frost that was being shone on by the sun and the colder looking frost still untouched by the rays of the sun. It had to be around 7:15ish. I would have used a repetitively fast shutter speed like a 1/60 or an 1/100 with a wider aperture.

Can't revisit- Monday night I believe I was shooting for painting with light and landscapes for night photography. The moon had came over the mountain and i got a really awesome picture with painting with light and the landscape incorporating the moon. Anyways I wish i got a picture of the moon with the creatures so I could have over lay it with the other photo to get a stronger picture. But I didn't think about it and when I did the moon had risen high enough that It would have been difficult to overlay it in Photoshop.I would have used a fast shutter speed and lower aperture to capture the depth of the cratures on the moon.

Friday, November 15, 2013


Journal 10

Cant revisit: I feel like everything i see is on my way to school, but that doesn't matter. Anyways my mom was just pulling off the cover bridge in Dummerston to go on route 30 to Brattlebore. There is this old antique place thats right a cross the road. They had put this old warn out couch in front of the house. The couch was a very light lime green. The sun was just coming over the side of the mountain behind me and there was a frost the night before. So when the rays of the sun hit the front on the couch it lit the couch up with small sparkling specks of the frost turning then the morning gold of the rays. It happened to go with the color o the couch. I would experiment with any angle i could so i can show the road, couch, the frost that is lighting up and sun coming up over the small mountain side, but the couch isn't there anymore. 

Can revisit: I really enjoyed trying to capture the water droplets this week. I really wanted to get a picture where the water droplets has hit the water and has caused the water to rise up in one single little thing and i wanted another one to drop right onto it as it rises up but every time we attempted that the drop lets would be off or to many would be dropped. So at some point I would like to go back and see if I can crete the picture of the crash between the first droplets splash and they second on dropping onto it. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Journal 9

Revisit: Last night I was trying to do some painting with light. It was around 8 and  I really didn't want to go outside because it was cold and I wanted to watch TV, but I went out anyways. I had my brother come help me and we set up in the front yard. It was more like a test run to see if I could do orbs...which i can't because really bad at it. I bought a red glow stick and attached it to string. I picked up a camera card that I thought it was mine. I took about three exposers and the card was full. I had no clue why but then I went inside and looked for my card and couldn't find it. I had my settings on manual and I was shooting for 30s and I don't remember what my aperture was. I defiantly am going to be looking for better places to do my painting with lights.

Can't revisit: Yesterday I was walking to my moms work. A group of guys where skateboarding but they kept on falling off. I knew one of the guys. After his friend wiped out he jumped on the skateboard and started to try to do some moves. Then suddenly he hits a crack int he side walk and goes summersaulting into the air. It was around 3-30 to 4ish. It was so funny and I wish I had my camera to capture him flying through the air and his facial expression. I would have used a a fast shutter speed and a wide aperture to let more light in.