Friday, October 4, 2013

Photo 2 Journal 4

Something I can revisit
On my way home there is this old stone thing that use to hold up rail road tracks so it could cross the river to get to the abandoned quarry. Well now there is just that stone column just there. So anyways I happened to look over and all around the stone column and there was trees with their leaves all yellow reflecting on the water. I just liked the way that the yellow in the refection was warming of the stones. Also the way the column was perfectly lined up with the water line so it looked like...I don't know its hard to explain, really it would have been a nice picture.

Something I can't revisit
I was on forced to go a hike Mt wantasacit or whatever the mountain is called just over the on the New Hampshire side, with my mom and brother. I took my camera because at least I might get some cool pictures from it. Well my camera doesn't really work, and I hate it to the core. If I use the shutter priority setting it only manages the shutter speed, but when I go to the appiture settings and adjust something then go back to shutter speed nothing has changed. Ever picture I took was way under exposed and was too dark to even tell what it was. I found this really cool rock that had a nice steady flow of water trickling down its side. There where three little falls and they where all in different parts of the rock and I really wanted to get a nice picture of it, but sense my camera setting don't want to work together it came out pretty much pitch black, which sucked. I don't have any time to try to go back and get a picture do to soccer.

1 comment:

  1. You should really take a picture of the leaves on the water i really would like to see it, it sounds really nice! I know it's hard to explain but I think you did good trying.
