Friday, September 27, 2013

Photo 2 journal 3

Can't revisit
I had a game at M.A.U on wednesday and we had just gotten over to the varsity game after we lost ours. The sun was just settting behind the mountain and it was this really cool red. I was walking up the bleachers when I saw it and I liked the color that the sun was. I also liked how the bleachers where large and was kind of chopping op the sun into sections. I would have moved up more to get the less of the bleachers out of the way and only have the chain link like fencing in between me and the setting sun. I would focus on the background light to create a silhouette of the fence and to keep it blurred while focusing on the background. I would use a 1/80 of a shutter speed and have a open appiture.

Can revisit
I love my dog and cat to death but can never take enough pictures of them. Last night I was eating my dinner and watching tv. My dog layed infront of me. He was jsut chillen relaxing while I eat. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my spaztic cat sprint into the living room and tackled my dog. It was so funny because with the cats crazy face and the dogs surprised one, it was really cute. I would have used a fast shutter speed but not to fast because it late and darker in the room even with two sets of the lights on. So maybe a 100 shutter speed so not t have to much noise in the photo. I would have to have a better angle to campture the faces of the animals as it all happened. That happens almost everynight when the dog doesnt want anything to do with the cat. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Perfect Photo project

This is one of my project photos for Perfect Photo. Before it was really dark and I lightened it up with fill light in bridge raw editing. The photo does look a little blue when I look at the outer lining of the window. I forgot to try to even out the hues so it wasn't so blue. I like extreme angles so I focused on the benches and the wall while leaving the front of the photo more blurred out then the rest using and ISO of 100. I also used 1/80 of a shutter speed.

Photo 2 Journal 2

This morning I was in the car on my way to school and I saw this bird fly over the retreat meadows. It was a large bird maybe a crane, not sure, but anyways it was just after eight o'clock when I saw it gliding over the water. There was fog rising off the top of the water in little puffs so it look good with different spot of fog flouting up and this bird just flying through all of it. I would have used a faster shutter speed to capture the movement of the bird and to also keep the picture dark enough to allow the viewer to see the fog rising off the water. I higher aperture to keep everything in focus. I cant go back and try to capture it because that bird most likely isn't going to be there and that's a real bummer because it was a really cool scene.

One miss opprotuninty I can go back to is on my way home. I getting home around late, around 6 to seven 7 and the sun is setting over the field is next to my house. The sun is often just about to go behind the mountain but the rays spill through the trees and onto the road a few feet before my driveway. I feel that the incline that I'm at is what makes the picture I keep seeing in my head. The sun is stretching out the last of the shadows before it is behind the mountain and its pretty good lighting. Bright and warm. I would use a shutter speed of 80 maybe to not have it be to dark or to light.